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asset liability management software
FIMAC Solutions, LLC


Data Capture Training/Refresher

RA 210; 120 Minutes

Dates and Times this Quarter:

Tuesday, August 11, 2009, at 1:00 P.M., Mtn.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009, at 9:00 A.M., Mtn.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009, at 1:00 P.M., Mtn.


Program Objectives: This 120 minute Web-based program is designed to provide those whose job it is to gather and input the data necessary to produce an accurate IRR report with the skills and knowledge necessary to accurately perform that task on a recurring basis.

Program Level/Prerequisites: Please have a basic understanding of the purpose of an IRR report, and knowledge of your institution’s financial reporting system. Previous experience using the Data Capture system is desirable but not necessary. The program is designed for those who will have any level of responsibility for the use of the FIMAC Data Capture system to produce the institution’s Risk Analytics® ALM Report on a recurring basis. A background in accounting and financial reports is required.

Program Content: We will review in some detail the computer network options you have to load and operate the Data Capture software; Data Capture features; data needing to be hand entered as a cross-check, securities information; Data Conversion: setting assumptions – loan types and the appropriate prepay settings as well as other assumptions; data validation and transmission.

Time Allotment: - 120 minute Web-based program.

Advanced Preparation Required: Please prepare by being familiar with your institutions accounting system and the reports that it generates, the data contained on those reports, and how the FIMAC Data Conversion files are created. A review of the training provided at the time of your institution’s initial conversion using FIMAC’s ALM Data Conversion software would be helpful.

Instructional Method: This program uses a Group Internet-based training method.

CPE Credit: Two (2) CPE credits recommended.

Registration: Complete the attached form and FAX it to us at least three (3) business days prior to the program you wish to attend. Your registration instructions and a packet containing program materials will be emailed to you 1 to 3 days prior to the program date.

Cost: $190 per institution connection. You may include as many people as you like in the session at your location.

Registration Form (pdf)

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